Best of 2018

2018, great year!

This year has seen trips abroad to France, India, Lithuania, Canada, Slovenia (including a night in Italy), Estonia and finally Germany. I'm really excited about what 2019 has to bring, with a couple of travel plans already on the cards and plenty of work booked in for the new year. It's a cliche but I truly love my work and the more work I get the more driven and motivated I am so this year has been a real high. Even if I won the lottery and never had to work again I still would.

That's enough text so here are some of my favourite photographs from the year. Some are from sessions as part of my work and some are personal snaps. All images are copyright of KMGS Photography and wedding images were taken working as part of Lincolnshire Wedding Duo (

Lincolnshire photographer
Pet photographer
Documentary photographer
Lincolnshire photographer
Documentary photography Lincolnshire
Vilnius travel photography
Travel photography
Lincolnshire photographer
Lincolnshire photographer
Lincolnshire photography
Toronto travel photography
Lincoln stock photography
Lincolnshire photography
Lincolnshire photography
Italy travel photography
13 - 14.jpg
Travel documentary photography Nuremberg
travel photography Slovenia
Pet photographer Lincoln
Halloween photographer Lincoln
Lincolnshire photographer

If you made it through to the end, thanks, I think I used way too many images! I need to get better at culling.

Thanks for looking.